Feast of St. Brigid
Amanda Stoffel Amanda Stoffel

Feast of St. Brigid

Sláinte to St. Brigid of Kildare! 🍀🔥🍻

February 1st marks St. Brigid’s Day, celebrating one of Ireland’s greatest saints. Long before her time, this day was honored as Imbolc, a festival welcoming the shift from winter to spring. Brigid’s legacy, from founding Ireland’s first women’s abbey to the legendary tale that she could turn water into beer, lives on in Irish history and tradition.

With family roots in Naas, just down the road from Kildare, her story feels especially close to home for us at Saints & Scholars. So let’s raise a glass in her honor—because if a saint can turn water into beer, that’s a tradition worth celebrating! 🍻

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Valentine’s Day: More Than Just a Hallmark Holiday
Amanda Stoffel Amanda Stoffel

Valentine’s Day: More Than Just a Hallmark Holiday

Ah, Valentine's Day – a time for love, chocolates, and, of course, those adorable little cards. But did you know that behind the heart-shaped decorations lies a tale of bravery, sacrifice, and a surprising Irish twist? Let's dive into the story of St. Valentine and discover why Dublin might just be the city for lovers!

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Savoring the Spirit of an Irish Halloween: Culinary Delights and Traditions
Amanda Stoffel Amanda Stoffel

Savoring the Spirit of an Irish Halloween: Culinary Delights and Traditions

As Halloween draws near, the excitement is palpable. But did you know that many of our modern Halloween customs trace back to Ireland's ancient festival of Samhain? Marking the end of harvest and onset of winter, it was a time of communal gathering, feasting, and honoring the changing seasons. At Saints & Scholars, we're not just celebrating with costumes and candy; we're taking a closer look at the traditional Irish dishes and customs that have shaped this holiday. Today we explore a few Irish culinary traditions that add a unique flavor to our Halloween celebrations.

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Stingy Jack and the Birth of the Jack O'Lantern
Amanda Stoffel Amanda Stoffel

Stingy Jack and the Birth of the Jack O'Lantern

Journey back to Old Ireland with us at Saints & Scholars, as we unveil the legendary tale of Stingy Jack. Discover how his clever yet mischievous encounters with the Devil birthed the cherished tradition of carving Jack O’Lanterns. As Halloween descends upon Snoqualmie, let the eerie glow of Stingy Jack's lantern illuminate the rich folklore that intertwines Irish and American customs. Join us in revisiting this captivating tale and explore how a simple Irish tradition evolved into a beloved Halloween practice across the Atlantic.

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The Celtic Roots of Halloween: A Journey from Samhain to Today
Amanda Stoffel Amanda Stoffel

The Celtic Roots of Halloween: A Journey from Samhain to Today

Embark on a historical journey with us from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain to today's Halloween. Discover how this spooky tradition has transformed over centuries. As we gear up for October 31, join us as we delve into the eerie, whimsical, and historical tales that have shaped Halloween into the global festivity it is today.

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